Zen Martial Arts School

Privacy Policy

Website usage policies

Your privacy is important to us. When you provide information to us via www.zenmartialartsschool.com, we protect it according to this policy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Online Privacy Policy only

This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.

Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our websites privacy policy.

By connecting with Zen Martial Arts School India through our website, social media pages, you are providing your consent for Zen Martial Arts School India to use any Personal Information or other content you submit or make available through such sites for marketing and promotional purposes, including, but not limited to, incorporation into our marketing materials, without further notice or compensation.

Third Party Links

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer links to third party sites on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

Who is a typical user of this web site?

Zen Martial Arts School India operates primarily as a provider of business-to-customer services. Unlike many companies and web sites, we do not focus on other businesses or the collection of consumer data. To the extent we collect information online, our purpose is to better serve our customers and clients.

What information do we collect online?

Unless otherwise stated, we collect the following types of information when you browse www.zenmartialartsschool.com or any other Zen Martial Arts School India web site: information you provide directly, such as your name or question in our “contact us” page or any e-mail messages you send us; the web pages on www.zenmartialartsschool.com that your internet browser visits; and aggregate data, such as the number of hits per week, per web page.

How do we use this information?

Zen Martial Arts School India does not rent or sell customer lists to other companies. Instead, we use information collected via the web site in the following ways:

  • For information you provide directly, such as e-mail messages, we use the information to respond to your questions and requests or to schedule a free consultation.
  • For some registration and use data, we may direct you to particular web pages, customize the web pages you see, or otherwise increase the relevance of the information you access through this web site.
  • For information about web pages visited, page hits per week, and other aggregate data, we use this information internally to improve the design and content of our web pages.
  • Zen Martial Arts School India may use third-party storage or service-provider companies to perform some functions including the processing of data.
  • Zen Martial Arts School India may disclose information to protect our rights or property, to enforce our terms of use and legal notices, as required or permitted by law, or at the request of government regulators or other law enforcement officials and the courts (including the issuance of a valid subpoena). We shall have no duty to notify you of such compliance with the law.
E-mail lists

Zen Martial Arts School India maintains e-mail lists to keep interested parties informed about our company, events, products, support, and more. We do not sell the addresses on our list, but we may make information available to specific business partners, sponsors, or service providers.

Users may voluntarily request to join our mailing lists by signing up or opting in through a form on our web site. To be removed from our mailing list, simply contact us now.

Information storage and updates

You can update your contact information by contacting us at any time. We may keep all information in an off-line form, for archival purposes or as otherwise required by law.

Web site revisions

We constantly update the features of our web site to better serve you and all our customers, so this policy may also be revised from time to time Zen Martial Arts School India may modify this policy without advance notice and any modifications are effective when they are posted here. By using our web site, you indicate your understanding and acceptance of the terms of the policy posted at the time of your use. If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience.