Martial Arts transformation Shaolin (Wushu) TO Okinawa (Tode to Karatedo)
During 1429- Okinawa was independent and ruled by Ryukyu kingdom with capital shuri castle.
During days many Chinese moved to Ryukyu to serve the government or for the purpose of business. It said that during period of Ming dynasty Chinese had sent 36 family from Fujian at request of Ryukyu kingdom. Also people of Okinawa regular travelled to china for business purpose. Movement from China to Okinawa & vice versa was common during those days. Main business was of tea, rice, sugar, tobacco, silk etc.
Okinawa was divided in three geographical areas Shuri, Naha and Tomari. During exchange of business the cultured exchange was also taken place between China & Okinawa. People of Okinawa during stay in china started learning Chinese martial arts. This must be a birth source of Okinawan martial art. As it was brought from china people in Okinawa recognized
the art as Chinese hands. Later it was known identified as Nahate, Shurite or Tomari as per geographical identification of the Okinawa.
The Chinese martial arts / Chinese hands was known as Tode – jutsu or Tode.
Tode to Karatedo
Tode (Chinese hand) was practiced among the island of Okinawa, each island having some specific training philosophy & methodology. In 19th century the term Tode was replaced with Okinawan name Karatedo. After 19th century Okinawan master starts travelling to mainland for demonstrating the art of Karatedo. After WWII it spread among the other continent especially western & European. After the war is over & during peace time lot of military officials of America, England needed to visit Okinawa & japan where they get impressed with the art & start learning. This is the point from where art get popularized & spread across the globe.
Masters of Okinawa understood that for spreading the art in mainland the name Tode or Chinese hand will be obstacle hence initially the name was Nahate, Shurite and Tomarite was claimed to make it differentiate from Chinese influence. Later In the year 1904 name Karatedo came in existence.
On 25th October 1936, prominent Okinawan masters gathered in Naha and formally adopted the term Karate(empty hand). The masters present included Hanashiro Chomo (1869-1945), Kyan Chotoku (1870-1945), Motobu Choki (1871-1944), Miyagi Chojun (1888-1953), Kiyoda Juhatsu (1886-1967, Chibana Chosin (1885-1969), and Shinpan Shiroma (1890-1954).
*The three highlighted in bold text are Shimabuku Tatsuo’s teachers.
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What is Karate do
An unarmed combat art which develops Strong body sound mind as well Spirit . It teaches to use legs and hands as weapon . A